Yes. TEAR Services specializes in training on-site with the specific equipment used within the facility. Our courses are designed to suit the environment of choice and are adapted to all current municipal, provincial and federal guidelines and regulations. Please contact us here for rates, dates, and locations of study.
We welcome the opportunity to assist individuals in all walks of life. In fact, many of our "individual" trainees attend our sessions to upgrade their present skills when job-seeking, or when going for a promotion at their workplace. Other trainees participate to update their vocational skills, knowledge level, and personal resume.
Yes. Accomodations are made quite frequently for trainees who have had prior training or experience. As typically defined in legislation, trainees must be "competent", and in the case of those who have prior instruction or equipment experience, courses are made available for re-qualification and re-evaluational processes.
Yes. In fact, many of our larger clients and affiliates are involved in "around-the-clock" operations with 3 shifts daily. Our goal is to offer training and instruction at regulated intervals that suit the immediate needs of the client. Often schedules may be adapted to "pick-up" certain individuals who generally perform off-shift duties.
Yes. Upon successful completion of any course we offer, the trainee will receive a certificate of completion usually in the form of a wallet card, validated for the duration applicable by current regulations and industry standards. Optionally, wall type certificates are given for completion of certain multi - level courses as well.
Specializing in multi-shift company training environments, TEAR Services provides product safety training for individuals including workplace safety training and consultations for small, mid-sized, and large companies. Based in Chatham-Kent, we provide training and certification throughout the province of Ontario including but not limited to:
Chatham | Blenheim | Ridgetown | Sarnia | Wallaceburg |
Dresden | Leamington | London | Windsor | St. Thomas |
Thamesville | Woodstock | Glencoe | Rodney | Wheatley |
Kitchener / Waterloo | Mississauga | Guelph | Hamilton | Ingersoll |
In Ontario, forklift / lift truck operators must be deemed "competent" (OH&S Act) before using material handling machinery, although most employers and certain jobsites may require an employee to have a driver's license. However, there are many additional rules and guidelines which elaborate in detail the minimum training requirements and procedures to be taken to ensure adequate operators. Examples of such would be the current CSA Guidelines (B335-04) and the Ontario Guideline for the Safe Operation and Maintenance of Powered Lift Trucks
The fees are not posted on our website. If you would like pricing for a particular course, please use our request form and provide us with a little more detail so that we can generate a proper quote to suit a course in your area..
Yes, and No. Depending on the level of study and the course taken, certificates under most scenarios are considered valid only within the facility in which the course was taken. Additional course materials can be adapted to suit other workplace environments which will then mean the validation should hold true for most workplace environment types. If you wish to learn more about where, how, and why certificates are considered "valid" to specific workplace types, please feel at ease to contact our training department for more information.
YES! - TEAR Services has partnered with a registered training provider to offer the new Working At Heights training to Ontario workers. For more information, please Contact Us
More questions and answers to follow....